



GOLDEN PLANET (2020) is a 5-minute abstract film depicting the revolution of a "world" made in an entirely household setting. It encompasses the notion of discovering an extraterrestrial ecosystem for the first time.

While creating this film, I heavily utilized abstraction to remove nearly all preconceived meanings from the featured objects.

The title, “Golden Planet,” alludes to the Golden Record NASA sent aboard Voyager 1 and 2. This record included images, music, sounds, and greetings that summarize life on Earth. If a far-off space inhabitant encounters a Voyager spacecraft, then the record serves as a brief introduction to our planet. In the same spirit, this film acts as a Golden Record from another world, giving viewers the experience of discovering something new. It's a glimpse into the possibility of life beyond Earth.

This video piece captures one revolution around the GOLDEN PLANET's sun, beginning and ending at the same time of day. During the first half, viewers explore the planet in a "daytime" sequence. Shots from this portion exhibit golden hues as a reference to the Golden Record itself. Later, the film transitions to a "nighttime" phase to shift focus away from the planet itself and toward the surrounding solar system. Shots in this section take on a desaturated, high-contrast tone to mimic deep space and bright celestial bodies.

I shot this film in a standard widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio to emulate the typical nature documentary style and preserve a sense of normalcy amidst the unfamiliarities. Editing this film began with the soundtrack, an orchestral piece by Kelpe. It captures the essence of groundbreaking discovery and sets the pace for naturally-paced cuts. Aptly titled "All the Way Round," the song invokes a beautiful narrative with several pivot points.

A window sill became a Sugimoto-inspired horizon line, and a blanket transformed into a windy field. This film encompasses the concept of finding beauty through uncommon means. GOLDEN PLANET serves as a way to imagine the unknown and visualize the unexplored.



Song by Kelpe


Made in Premiere Pro